\_\_attribute\_\_ in C

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September 14, 2015

VOID001 Comments 0 Comment

__atrribute__ in C The content is recoverd from Wordpress Blog, for more details please check HERE

Take a look at this code for example (in Cygwin master branch /winsup/cygwin/winsup.h)


\_\_attribute\_\_((constructor)) void fun1()
    printf("Hello "); 
\_\_attribute\_\_((destructor)) void fun2() 
int main(void) 
    return 0; 

Then gcc xxx.c and then run the code it will print out “Hello World” ~

So why it works?

The code with constructor attribute run before main function and code with destructor attr run after main function

The __attribute__ can do more than above

Another usage of __attribute__ is to customize the section of a certain code , take a look at this example:

 \_\_attributes\_\_((section(".my\_custom\_section"))) int main(void) { return 0; }

Then compile the code and run readelf tool to check the section in the code:

$ readelf -S a.out

You can see a section called my_custom_section and with AX acess(alloc + executable)

This proves that we can use __attribute__ to customize the section

wine, 计算机系统原理 C. Linux, kernel, Laravel, PHP, Python, Shell, Web, wine

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